Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Ecclesia Vetusta Catholica

Ecclesia Vetusta Catholica is a pure manifestation of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, adhering to traditional doctrine and, of course, the Old Mass where a peaceful, mystical atmosphere obtains with emphasis on the individual lifting his heart and mind to God. Members of congregation direct attention to God, not each other. This includes sixteen genuflections, and the hands of the priest alone touches the consecrated Host. Communion is given only on tongue. The course of a year presents all facets of Catholic doctrine. The priest faces the tabernacle, crucifix and altar (symbolically toward God). The priest performs all the actions and recites all the prayers of the Mass. Everything is regulated by precise laws to protect purity of worship and doctrine. The bulk of Sunday prayers and their arrangement goes back (at least) to 300s and 400s AD. Its canon is essentially the same since St Ambrose (d. 397). The current presiding bishop is Seán Manchester. 

In the Catholic Church, the laying on of hands is performed in the sacrament of Holy Orders and is the means by which one is included in one of the three major orders: bishop, priest, or deacon. Ordination can be administered only by a bishop in Apostolic Succession. The laying on of hands to the priesthood enables a person so ordained to act in persona Christi; ie "in the person of Christ." Ordination allows a priest validly to administer sacraments, most notably giving that individual the authority to celebrate the Eucharist.

The sacraments of ordination and confirmation are, however, reserved exclusively to a bishop. A Catholic who disrespects the priest or bishop also disrespects the Holy Ghost. Sacrilegious acts against the Holy Ghost incur automatic excommunication. A sin is considered to be "mortal" or grievous when its quality is such that it leads to a separation of that person from God's saving grace.

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